
Our Life is Blessed

Praise To God Comes Naturally When You Count Your Blessings.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ethaniel learning to walk

Well wouldn't you know he finally took his 1st steps with his little walker. Daddy had been working with him. Then the day after he had to leave Ethaniel was on his way. Happy that I was able to get it on the video!

Random Pictures From Dec.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Update on our family

We did not get to go to Bratislava with Philip on Monday and it was beyond heartbreaking for our family. This Jan will make one year we have been apart when we all believed it was a very temporary thing of around 3 months. I know at this point both me and Philip are just completely desperate to be together and be a family. Only God knows how much more we are going to have to stay apart. I honestly have no clue what to do next. I took the kids out of school,we put the house on the market and spend 1500 $$$ on extreme winter clothing for our entire family. The worse part is he was home for 3 weeks and we wasted it running around trying to get it all pulled together...I don't think we will ever be able to make it through all the hoops these people are wanting us to jump through. If I could just take the 3 weeks back and spend more time just being in his arms and making memories with our kids. The kids are so upset as they have had a roller coaster of emotions these last 3 weeks. First they got a great surprise when daddy showed up...but then they got nervous and sad to hear that we were moving in only 2 weeks. After coming to terms that we were all moving to be a family again...they got that ripped away from them. It is so hard not to be angry as hell when it involves your kids being hurt. I ask that you please pray for our family. I had plans of us celebrating Ethaniel's 1st Christmas in the snow together as a family finally..now we are here all alone. I pray God will help me to keep going and find the strength to keep raising the kids on my own for now. I love being a mom to them and life would have no meaning with out them,they are my complete joy and the greatest blessing in the world...but the love a man by your side makes life so much sweeter. I miss my best friend :(

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our Crazy Dec.

Well it has been a very crazy Dec. to say the least. We found out Philip was coming 3 days before he arrived on the 2nd and we have been going non-stop trying to get everything done to move in less than 3 weeks. We still do not know if it will happen until Monday when Philip has to go. Due to the fact that we would be in the middle of moving during Christmas we celebrated on the 10th so the kids would have time to play with their toys before they get packed away. I wanted to post some misc pictures of the kids as well as our early Christmas. Will post word of what is going on with our family with the move as soon as we know on Monday. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers during this very stressful time.