Well it was so very sad to sell Ethan's frog jumper but it just took up way too much space...this is him jumping like crazy in it prior to the lady coming to get it. I will always think of him in his frog jumper. It was by far the very best of all the things I ever bought to keep him busy. I hate how much he is growing..and just wish he would be my baby boy forever!!!
Look at our silly doggie in her diaper...lol. It has been making leaving her home much easier and if we are having company over I put the diaper on her. She gets over excited when other people are around so she will tingle if she gets too excited.
I love letting the kids play outside now that the weather is so very pretty. I kick them outside every chance I get...lol. They actually love to go out and play with friends. I took these pics of Elias chilling with his friends and Ethan enjoying his new water/sand table. When I try to bring Ethan in from playing outside he gets so upset. I think he would just stay outside forever if I would let him...he is all boy!!
I had to scan some pictures for Eliana for a slide show they plan to do at the 5th grade end of year party. Look at these two adorable cutie pies. I wish so bad they could just stay little like this forever. I use to dress Eliana like a real live doll...she was a bitty fashionista...lol. Elias was just the sweetest little mommas boy and look at that face...no wonder I was and still am today so madly in love!!!!
The weather was hot enough to put the little kiddie pool up and see what Ethan thought. Eliana and Elias will go for endless hours playing in a pool. I knew he would love it and he just looks so darn cute in his little sufer dude outfit.
Had to brag on what a great big sister Eliana is with her little man. I would be in real trouble without having here help.Eliana has to help with the diapers and baths..feedings and getting him dressed and so much more. Ethan is madly in love with her and I know she is crazy for him.