Well we went ahead and had Elias's birthday party early again...due to the fact that Andy will be gone for his real birthday and my mom was already in town. It was funny to finally get to throw him his Dinosaur party. I have had the decorations for his party for almost 4 years...lol. I had them left over from when I wanted to start my party planning business back in Richmond,Tx. I just had to hold on to the stuff...it was way too cute not to save for him. I think the party was a big hit with the kiddos. Elias is such my little man and I hate to see that he is growing up so fast. I know most moms start to realize they are not babies anymore by the age 2 or so but it really was not until this year I started to get the "he's not my baby anymore blues" so maybe after we get settled in the new country we will start on baby #3.
I wanted to post the pictures from the Fairy Park Party we took Eliana to about a week ago.I think it is a very adorable idea...but they could have put a little more creative thought to work. Our #1 complaint was they had no water at all not even for sale. We were all dying of thirst in the freakin 100 degree weather. In a place like Yuma they should stick to indoor events. However our little fairy was a dream come true. As fast as Eliana is growing up this might be the last time we see her all dressed up like a fairy.
We had a pretty cool Mother's Day this year with my mom in from TX. The Marines hosted a Mother's Day tea party, we had a fun time. Eliana is so in to drinking tea now...which is pretty cute. She won a Tea gift basket with all types of tea to try out and a relaxing Cd...just what she needs...lol. I finally got my digital photo frame I've been wanting forever. Now I just have to spend time downloading the pictures....which does not sound fun. I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Mother's Day.
So my mom flew in to visit on her birthday which also falls on Cinco de mayo...what a great excuse for margaritas!! It was really fun to surprise her with a little party with our close friends. She said it was so funny having a group of total strangers sing her happy birthday...she is very shy. Philip did a great job with the food...but was running around crazy fixing drinks and food. He had drank a few red bulls prior to people arriving and it cracked me up watching him bounce off the walls. There were flying tortillas and a few tossed drinks...lol. Our friend the Mundos brought family who was visiting from Paris and we had the most fun playing pictionary...they we so sweet it was like we had known them forever. We are going to miss so much playing fun games with our friends when we move off. I posted a few pictures of the family in our sombreros!!