Well I had to tell you about all the tons of great free school and teacher supplies I got for free. They came from a elementary teacher,that now home schools. Some of it is a little old and all was pretty dusty. However there was so many cool things and now we have all kinds of lessons and activities. I have started really getting excited to do the whole home school thing. The kids are very excited as well and best of all we get to start off with all these great free goodies. If you have not checked out freecycle you should it is a cool web site where people give away all kinds of free items. We officially started home school today and we are having great fun learning about nutrition and the 5 food groups, we while work all week studying this subject. Along with our weekly subject everyday we spend time working with Elias learning how to read and both kids work on their math. I put some pictures of some of the fun activities we have already done. We have made some very nutritious snacks. The kids love their spinach fruit smoothies...yummy!! I also wanted to show a little of our school work area. This area is growing larger each day and it seems school decor is taking over downstairs. I will keep you posted with how it all goes this week. Prior to this week we started studying the Presidents. We will go further into depth on the subject. However Eliana wrote her first little report on President Jackson and the picture is her portrait of him. We are very proud of her love of learning!
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