When you plan things in your life according to what GOD wants they always work out!!
Our Life is Blessed
Praise To God Comes Naturally When You Count Your Blessings.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Butter Ball Baby
Well I knew Ethaniel was large but he is already 16lbs at 2 1/2 month and wearing mostly 6 months clothing. I wonder if he is going to thin out like Elias did or keep with being a little on the chubby side. I love how cute fat babies are...it is the only time the bigger the thighs the better. He is doing all kids of moving around and is so strong. Every night I but him down on his back but find him in a different position in the morning. He also surprises me with how much he tries to talk and his laughter is contagious. Eliana and Elias love to make him laugh and smile. Eliana has been helping me out so much and even Elias is holding him now that the baby is bigger. The only problem is Ethaniel is very heavy,so the helping hands don't last too long...lol.
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