Today was a really great day. I let the kids go wild playing on the trampoline with shaving cream. At 1st they were a little scared of getting messy. I know this is due to my past problem of being a clean freak. So I had to get them started but once I did...they had a blast. I took pictures to show off how much fun we had. We are really enjoying the awesome weather and the back yard.
Our Life is Blessed
Praise To God Comes Naturally When You Count Your Blessings.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Kids Gone Wild
Today was a really great day. I let the kids go wild playing on the trampoline with shaving cream. At 1st they were a little scared of getting messy. I know this is due to my past problem of being a clean freak. So I had to get them started but once I did...they had a blast. I took pictures to show off how much fun we had. We are really enjoying the awesome weather and the back yard.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Not much new
Well just wanted to post on the blog even though there is not much new. Let me see Elias woke me up with fever of 102 this morning. I do not no why but for some reason every once in a blue moon one of the kids will wake up with really high fever. I must say thank God there is not other symptoms that go along with. I gave him medicine and we passed out on the couch for a mid day 2 hour nap. That is one of the biggest perks to being a stay at home mom. That if you are lucky enough and your kids takes a nap you can too. Then we got up to use a coupon I had at a furniture store for a free vase,picture or art work. To tell the truth I have no idea why they sent me another one because I had already gone and gotten a free vase. So I almost told myself to be good and not go and use the coupon. However my naughty side kicked in and I went. I got another free vase and then headed for home. I got lost 2 times on a street I use almost everyday. It was rush hour so I tried to take short cuts and they both turned out to be no outlets. I took this as a sign from God not to be un-trust worthy no matter how small the matter. So no more use of "one per household" coupons for me. LOL
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The kids hard at work
The kids were so cute hard at work today. We have had on trampoline on the side of the house waiting to be put up for the last 6 months. Well my uncle Norman came over today and with the help of Elias and Eliana it is finally up and ready to go. I was so thrilled that it was not messed up from not being stored correctly for so long. It will keep the kids very busy. The last picture is the kids enjoying the fruit of their hard labor. We got the water hosed and soaked them good to cool down.

Friday, May 11, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Well I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day before it is here and gone. I know this is going to be a great one for me. No big plans but I will get to share it with my 2 wonderful babies. I feel so blessed that God has given me the gift of these two little great people. Andy was very sweet he had me fresh flowers sent over from Iraq. Well they did not come all the way from Iraq...but it is still cool that he could even pull off sending flowers. He has not bought me flowers in so long so they are very sweet.If you are wondering why he has not gotten flowers in so has alot to do with my complaining about the cost. So he just completely stopped. So lesson learned make sure you really want your husband to not put fourth the effort if you nag and complain when they give you a gift. Oh well that was the old me. The new me took time to stop and smell the roses. I don't care what they cost this time because they are worth every penny. They made me feel very loved today!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Cute little Palmers
Well wanted to post these cute pictures of the kids. It is shocking how fast they keep growing up. I get sad knowing Elias is our last little Palmer. I hate to see them grow but have no plans for another baby. Well unless God wants to throw in a shocking surprise one day. The kids are such a joy to have around to keep me company while Andy is gone for so long. I can only imagine how slow time would pass and how sad and lonely life would be without them. They keep me so busy all the time. Elias is being a real joker lately always keeping us laughing. For some crazy reason he keeps calling me his servant as well as my aunt. If you get him something he says thank you my servant. Well I keep telling him not to call us that but he does anyway. Eliana is so smart and bright we are very proud of her. She has two weeks left of school and has yet to bring home any grade home less than a B. Trust me I look over her work it's not as easy as you might think it would be.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Just because
Well I have not posted a blog for a while so I thought I would just because. Well my cousin was in town this past weekend that was fun we went downtown to go have massages at the spa. We stayed at a very nice Weston hotel which was attached to the Galleria. I loved the bed it must have has at least 6 big fluffy white pillows. Then we got all dolled up and when out to what is know as mid-town. We did a little club hopping. It was great fun! The rest of the weekend I mostly chilled out around the house. This week has been a boring week nothing new going on. I guess that might be why I have not posted anything in a while. I hope to have more pictures and stories to post by the end of the week. Having my every 5-6 month garage sale this weekend. I hope to sell everything because I need new clothes that fit really I plan to take the profits and go shopping for clothes. That sounds like fun!:)
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