So I have been really sad about not having a home to decorate up and paint. I really even miss working in the yard...never thought I'd ever say that. I know it seems so silly but I think the worst part for me about being in the Military is going to be never having that. I miss decorating and all the home improvements. The house we have is very nice and new military housing but...I miss my other houses. I feel like I am living in a mental ward with all the White!!! White wall,white counter tops,white shelves...it is so plain. We are not allowed to paint..so I feel like the house is so unfinished. If you can paint your home you should it is amazing the difference it can make. I feel it would improve my entire family's mood if we could just paint. I don't want to seem ungrateful,especially when some have lost their homes recently. I just felt the need to tell people out there to go paint...bring cheer and warmth to your home. Do it for me! Then send me pictures so the color can cheer me up...lol. P.S. If you have grass to cut and weeds to pull thank God for it...rocks for a yard are so lame. I will be thankful for what ever kind of home God gives us.However I felt the need to post pictures of my past homes with color...and whine a little. I know one day we will own again...and I will paint every inch of the house.
Maybe you should buy some fabric and put over your cabinet doors or something... I dont know, isn't there a way to put color on them without paint?
It's soo funny that you are talking about paint! I'm usually the kind of person that LIKES the plain white, ( not EVERYTHING white, though) and lately I have been feeling the desire to a put a pretty mochaish color on the walls. But my Dear husband says no way because he LOATHES painting! Also, I agree about the rocks..I live in Nevada ( northern) and it's alot of rock here too. On the side of our driveway we had rock but pulled it and out pavers! I would LOVE to get rid of the rock all together :)
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