First I would just like to thank everyone who prayed for me and the baby! Looks like our prayers have been answered again. I have been off bed rest for a week now with no problems as well as the medication to stop the contractions. I have felt really good without any problems...other than starting to feel really My doctor told me he thought my placenta had moved up and I was no longer a concern for a c-section. He sent us to get a 3-d ultra sound to get a better idea as to how it was laying exactly. The ultrasound technician also confirmed the good news. It was so funny because we had no idea how to communicate so we had the driver come in during the ultrasound and translate. It was kinda weird having him in there...but thank God he was willing. It was so neat how we all were just amazed to see the baby in such detail. He was very active and loves to move his hands a lot. They took some great pictures of his sweet little face. It looks like he will be looking just like big sis and his big bro. The nose looked just the same and so did other features of his face. I will be getting a video and will try to post it to the blog. So as of now I plan to stay in Tunis to have the baby unless in the next 5 weeks there is concern with the pregnancy. My sister will be having her little boy in 6 weeks and then I will only have 10 weeks to my due date. I still think I might not go all the way to the due date...but do not think I will have the baby too early either. I guess only time will tell. I just need to get busy now and talk with the other women who have given birth here in Tunis and tour the hospital.
Our Life is Blessed
Praise To God Comes Naturally When You Count Your Blessings.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Day Date
Last week we were treated to a kid free day! Philip took me on a day date...for lunch and to go see the Mediterranean Sea for my 1st time. It was nice but very windy. I look forward to going when it is all warm and sunny. Lunch was very good as we ate at a very nice restaurant called Biwa on the was nice to have some time just the two of us. The picture of the group of people are a group of tourist,we found it funny. It is crazy how much they stand out!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Family Day In Tunis
We wanted to take the kids to the zoo...but could not find the place. So instead we went out to eat lunch. The food was pretty good and the kids always enjoy chasing down the stray cats at the restaurants...which are everywhere! Then we headed off to a park with some really cool twisted and spooky trees. This park would have made an awsome haunted house/park. However nobody celebrates Halloween here in Africa. The park had an outdoor inflatable jump place for the kiddos...which they enjoyed very much.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Chewbacca Pics

I ordered Elias a Chewbacca shirt from Old Navy because he is really into starwars right now. He was so thrilled the day it came in the mail...however when we pulled it out of the package it was HUGE...I told Philip I bet this would fit you. So to be funny he tried it on and even though it was snug... it fit. I then ordered Elias another xs hoping a xxl would not come. We lucked out and he got a perfect fit this time. I think they look so cute in their matching Chewbacca shirts and Elias thinks it is super neat to match daddy. Philip is such a great sport for his little guy!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
21 Weeks Pregnant
Wanted to post some pictures of me at 21weeks prego...these were taken the day before I started having all the crazy contractions. As most of you already know I went to the doctor and he put me on complete bed rest and medicine to stop the contractions. After one more day of contractions the medicine kicked in and seem to really help. I have not had any painful ones for a few days however I don't know if it is because of the meds or because my body has stopped. The really good news is there is no bleeding and my cervix is still closed. I still have to take the meds 3 times daily at this point and he still wants me on bed rest. I find it near impossible to do that...but have really limited activity. I will give a new update after I go back to the doctor in a few days. At this point I feel good as long as I keep taking the meds and rest with no stress. However please keep our little baby boy in your prayers!!!!
Family-Oct 09
Well lets see some of these pictures are from a party at the Marine house...that night they had like 450 people show up. Philip showed Elias how to play pool and the kids had fun dancing the night away with other kids. It was also the 1st time me and the hubby tried eating shawarma which is similar to a steak taco...I was so happy to eat something in a tortilla. The other pictures are just showing how big the kids are getting. Eliana and Elias are both enjoying school and Elias is blowing us away with his reading skills. I think we all know he got that from his big sis!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Shopping Online-Creative Project

Well I have done more online shopping in this last month than I have done in my entire kidding. I do not like it at all !!! I know it can be a pain going from store to store to find that perffect new (whatever you need). However you should rejoice in the wonderful pleasure of finding the right deal,checking out the color and quality, size and all the wonderful things online shopping does not allow. Well that being said I have decided to take on a little creative project on. I had to buy bedding for the bed I have decided to try to somewhat decorate my room. I can't paint or go all out...but still think adding some color and candles will be a great thing. I need somewhere to feel relaxed and so the plan is to create a romantic/relaxing room. This will be so nice as all the furniture that comes in the house reminds me of a Hotel Lobby and I don't mean the kind you really feel happy to stay at. I will take before and after pictures. I wanted to post a picture of the bedding I just ordred. I sure hope the 3 hrs of computer research pays
Monster Mash Dance Video
This is a super cute video of our family that I made on the computer to get us in the mood for Halloween..even if we don't get to trick or treat this year! Enjoy! Just click on the link to view.
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