
Our Life is Blessed

Praise To God Comes Naturally When You Count Your Blessings.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

21 Weeks Pregnant

Wanted to post some pictures of me at 21weeks prego...these were taken the day before I started having all the crazy contractions. As most of you already know I went to the doctor and he put me on complete bed rest and medicine to stop the contractions. After one more day of contractions the medicine kicked in and seem to really help. I have not had any painful ones for a few days however I don't know if it is because of the meds or because my body has stopped. The really good news is there is no bleeding and my cervix is still closed. I still have to take the meds 3 times daily at this point and he still wants me on bed rest. I find it near impossible to do that...but have really limited activity. I will give a new update after I go back to the doctor in a few days. At this point I feel good as long as I keep taking the meds and rest with no stress. However please keep our little baby boy in your prayers!!!!

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