Well today was a really nice day...I got some much needed alone time. Eliana was at school and my aunt took Elias for the day it was so nice. I had my hair done and I think it turned out pretty cute..it is short but it grows so fast anyway. I got to go to a make-up store and play with all the make-up. I won't even try to go into ultra with the kids talk about crazy. They get into all the make-up and want to spray everything. Then I got to head over to Victoria secret and buy some new bras. Oh by the way why are there bras so expensive? If you guys buy your bras somewhere else and you like them pass the info along to me. I have never bought bras anywhere but Victoria secrets but it was really costly today...so I might need to find somewhere else to shop for that. Came home then ran of to the gym to do spinning...I was really keeping up strong. Much better than in the past times of going.Gave the kids baths and then decided to post a picture of the new hair cut. Oh by the way I know I look silly mounting the stairs but the kids tell me to pose when they take my pictures. They find it fun to play model and the photographer. I know no modeling contracts for that one. LOL! now I am going to go read my bible. So not a thrilling day but yet a nice relaxing day.
Our Life is Blessed
Praise To God Comes Naturally When You Count Your Blessings.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A Day For Me
Well today was a really nice day...I got some much needed alone time. Eliana was at school and my aunt took Elias for the day it was so nice. I had my hair done and I think it turned out pretty cute..it is short but it grows so fast anyway. I got to go to a make-up store and play with all the make-up. I won't even try to go into ultra with the kids talk about crazy. They get into all the make-up and want to spray everything. Then I got to head over to Victoria secret and buy some new bras. Oh by the way why are there bras so expensive? If you guys buy your bras somewhere else and you like them pass the info along to me. I have never bought bras anywhere but Victoria secrets but it was really costly today...so I might need to find somewhere else to shop for that. Came home then ran of to the gym to do spinning...I was really keeping up strong. Much better than in the past times of going.Gave the kids baths and then decided to post a picture of the new hair cut. Oh by the way I know I look silly mounting the stairs but the kids tell me to pose when they take my pictures. They find it fun to play model and the photographer. I know no modeling contracts for that one. LOL! now I am going to go read my bible. So not a thrilling day but yet a nice relaxing day.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Our weekend
Well I always feel like I have nothing to write about for the blog. Then I realize that every little simple thing I do with the kids is special and worth sharing with you. I guess God has really been showing me that a simple life is a much happier life. I took the kids to putt putt this weekend they had a great time. The weather was perfect which made it nice. Elias loves the golf thing and tries so hard to really do it right. I think I might need to get him some private lessons from my cousin while she is in town. It is just cute to see him take the time to really try and focus...that in its self is hard for a 3 year old. Eliana had her best friend Jane from school to stay the night. They are so much alike that it gets a little overwhelming at times. I do love to see Eliana happy and Elias really enjoyed her staying over as well. He is already making plans to ask a friend over for a sleep over. We had fun cooking breakfast for dinner...we made french toast...sasuage..strawberries with whip cream..and chocolate milk. Eliana eats like a piggy when I make breakfast of any kind. I think she had about 4 french toast and 3 sausage. Oink Oink! Well I am happy anytime my kids want to eat. We got up Sunday and took Jane to visit our church with us. I love my church it is everything I have every needed in a church. The church is so spirit filled and everyone is so loving to each other. I adore the music and the pastors are great. I told my friend Tiffani the other day how strange it is for me to absolutely love to go to church. I do...now instead of thinking about it being over so we can go out to eat...I get upset when it is time to leave. Today's message was about how we must protect our children from the evil things of this world. Well I have been really trying to keep my guard up against many things parents say is okay for their kids. I too was very guilty of just giving in to make them happy or not to seem strange to others. Well not anymore I could care less if people think we a strange or if my kids are happy. No I am just kidding.I do however feel I must do what God expects me to do for my children.
Train a child in the way he should go,and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Friday, April 20, 2007
Some new Pics
I just wanted to post some of the pictures of the kids and the one of me was when Elias was pretending to be a photographer. He did so well for his age in almost ever picture he took I was centered and he was not moving around or anything.Who knows maybe he will be a photographer one day. He has a love of arts...that is for sure. Eliana is doing great just really hoping summer comes soon. She will be going with my aunt and uncle for 2 weeks to AZ. Then when she gets back I have signed her up for her very 1st away from home summer camp. I think she is ready it will only be for 3 nights and is very close to the house in case I need to get to her fast. Now I just need to find out what to do with Elias for the summer. With Andy being gone I know we will need to stay very busy because being at home alone everyday with the kids sounds like no fun at all. I wanted to give everyone a update on Andy. He is doing so well and really growing closer to the Lord which is so awesome. He has been able to stay in contact very regularly and has even sent us a video he shot of his surroundings as well as a few loving messages for me and the kids. He has also been making me the most wonderful Cd's and sending them to me. He can really be a sweetheart. I ask that you keep his safety in your prayers and all the other men and women who are over there.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I finally went...
Well I really do not have much to say except I finally went and took the cycling class at my gym I think I have put it off for almost 2 weeks. It was kinda of scary for me because I plan to start being a fitness instructor at my gym...well they want cycling instructors. So she told me if I liked the class they would hire me and get me certified to teach. Well I really want to do this so I was scared of whimpimg out when I took the class. I did however last the entire hour and kept up very well for a 1st timer. I have been hurting since I got off the bike and wonder what kind of pain will I be in the morning. It will all be worth it because I finally got over the fear of failure. Now I just have to get the nerves to instruct the class. Wow can you imagine how killer my booty and legs are going to be if I can keep with it LOL. Please keep me getting certified to teach in your prays. I really want to do this. The pay is great...the hours are great...and I get to take the kids and do not have to worry about childcare.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Eliana gets her new hair cut
Well today was a pretty good day we went to the gym this morning and the kids enjoyed the new computers they had at the gym. I tormented myself on the stair master that is always great fun! We came home and then got ready for the mall. The Woodlands has a really nice mall and so we went to chick-fil-a for lunch. Then I took Eliana for a hair cut at snip-its a really cute kids place to get your hair cut. The lady did a great job. Eliana is getting old enough where I feel she should take care of herself this new hair cut will make it much easier for her to take care of. She got all kinds of complements on her new do. I think she looks so cute...and really hip. After the hair cut we headed to the children's museum to kill some time. The kids love going there and it is nice for me because I just get to sit and read. Me and Elias made a tree out of construction paper and tissue paper turned out really nice. Elias is such a little artist he loves to do anything like that. Eliana really enjoyed dressing up with other girls in the medieval costumes and playing at the castle. Well that's all that took place today but I wanted to share pictures of Eliana's new hair cut.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Two Wiener dogs are better than one

Well I just wanted to add a picture of our two wiener dogs that we love very much. Elias is crazy about Buster which is a dog we got as a puppy while I was pregnant with Elias. The bond started early as the dog would always lay on my big belly. Now the tables have turned and Elias is always laying on top of Buster. Sometimes he worries me about how obsess he can get over the dog. For Valentine's day we added into our family Miss Jewels so that Eliana could have her own little special wiener dog. The two make great pets and we love them very much.
Jumping on the band wagon...

Well I have seen many friends starting up family blogs and thought ...well
I should too. I think this will be a great way to keep everyone up to date with whats new in our lives regularly. Of coarse I am not the worlds best writer but I will try to do my best to amuse anyone kind enough to care what is going on with our family. The first news to address is that Andy has been with the Marines serving in Iraq and will hopefully return September. We are getting use to a rountine of life without him. We miss him dearly and know God will return him safe and sound. As a family we are all trying to draw much closer to the Lord. We attend a awsome church and have meet some wonderful people. I have made a few really great friends in the few months that Andy has been gone and have been keeping busy going to the gym almost everyday. I really have enjoyed my new lifestyle change and the work has really paid off because I was able to lose 20lbs. I have 5lbs to go and I will be at the weight I was almost 10 years back when me and Andy got married. So for anyone who thinks it is just hopeless to lose some weight take it from me it's not you just need to want it bad enough. Sometimes you just need to wait for the right time to dedicate yourself to doing it. Okay my 1st blog is too long I will really try to keep the rest much shorter.
God Bless
I should too. I think this will be a great way to keep everyone up to date with whats new in our lives regularly. Of coarse I am not the worlds best writer but I will try to do my best to amuse anyone kind enough to care what is going on with our family. The first news to address is that Andy has been with the Marines serving in Iraq and will hopefully return September. We are getting use to a rountine of life without him. We miss him dearly and know God will return him safe and sound. As a family we are all trying to draw much closer to the Lord. We attend a awsome church and have meet some wonderful people. I have made a few really great friends in the few months that Andy has been gone and have been keeping busy going to the gym almost everyday. I really have enjoyed my new lifestyle change and the work has really paid off because I was able to lose 20lbs. I have 5lbs to go and I will be at the weight I was almost 10 years back when me and Andy got married. So for anyone who thinks it is just hopeless to lose some weight take it from me it's not you just need to want it bad enough. Sometimes you just need to wait for the right time to dedicate yourself to doing it. Okay my 1st blog is too long I will really try to keep the rest much shorter.
God Bless
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