So I have nothing great to blog about so you can read about my silly hair. As most know I tried to perm my own hair and fried it horribly. I thought I was going to never be able to leave the house...that was 2 days before Valentine's Day. I have been trying to repair my hair with deep conditioners and limiting how often I shampoo..it really has helped. I went and got a hair cut to get most of the damaged hair cut off. Then I decided along with my hubby that I truly do like my hair red over my natural dark color. So last night I tried to dye my hair red. I was so scared that it was going to damage my hair. Funny enough I rinsed it out way to early and the color really did not take. I was just scared to leave it in. In the past I use to leave the dye in for like an hour.So me getting back to red will be a work in progress. I wanted to post a picture of my new hair cut. I love how easy short hair is to deal with. I must hot iron ever single inch of hair, due to the bad perm. I would love to have long hair again but don't think it will ever happen"short hair is just to easy".
Oh my Gosh! So cute! My husband would LOVE for me to cut my hair that short! I had cut it off a year ago, and the girl did not do a good job, so I have been growing it out. so, what you see of mine is a whole year of growth. he would love for me to go that short, but I think mine is just too thick..I have a TON of hair! I hate it ! I love the color of your hair ! I think it looks really rich!
Cute hair cut.... I didn't know you tried to perm your own hair. What where you thinking? LOL Did you blog that? I guess I need to get better at checking blogs. I hope all is well in your house!
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